JUDICIARY Latest Features

East African Chief Justices Meet to Discuss Strategy
Group Photo: Honorable Chief Justices in the East African region and other stakeholders

NAIROBI: Chief Justices from the East African region have gathered in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss, among others, the role of Judiciaries in East Africa.

The meet which is taking place at Hemmingways Hotel is also taking stock of the challenges.

Among the challenges highlighted are inadequate budget, lack of enough judicial officers, and shortage of court buildings as well as interference of by other organs of the State in the administration of justice.

The forum is also strategizing how the regional Judiciaries can become independent from the influence of other State organs. 

The forum has been attended by Chief Justices: Omar Makungu (Zanzibar); Chan Madut (S.Sudan); Sam Rugege (Rwanda);Ibrahim Juma (Tanzania); David Maraga (Kenya); Bart Katureebe (Uganda); Ibrahim Sulaiman (Somalia) and EACJ President Emmanuel Ugirashebuja.

Posted 11th, May 2018
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